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Monday, February 7, 2011

SUPER"SUCK" and the Movie Trailers!!!

*EDITORS NOTE: It's titled "SUPER SUCK" because of Christina Aguilera, and Black Eyed Peas

I LOVE EVENT MOVIES! You may also know them as “Popcorn Flicks”. The movie’s that you finish your box of Raisinets® and half of your tub of popcorn before the first reel is over. I literally cried at the part in the first TRANSFORMERS after the first attack in the army base. I remember looking at my buddy Josh right after that part and literally out loud at the same time “That was AWESOME!” SIDE NOTE: TRANSFORMERS 2 BLEW! This summer seems to be shaping up to be another one of those summers for me because most of the flicks I want to see had teaser’s during the Super Bowl.

I’m not a big sports fan. I’m not the guy who knows statistics and backgrounds of players on teams (But I can tell you what STOP they shot SOCIAL NETWORK at. So I’m the equivalent of sports fan, just in film terms. EPIC GEEKDOM!). I get what I get from people around me, and that’s it. I don’t care to know. It’s not what I’m interested in. but, to keep all of us “Geeks” watching the game, they pepper in a little bit for us, hence why studios pay BIG MONEY for: 30 seconds of a tease of their Big Budget flick coming out.

There was two that I was REALLY looking forward to (TRANSFORMERS 3, and SUPER 8)and three that I could have really cared less if I saw; if anything a morbid curiosity (THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA, and COWBOYS AND ALIENS). The two teasers I wanted to see really didn’t have anything of substance previous to these spots out there, so my interest is supremely piqued. Needless to say, I WASN’T LET DOWN and I can’t wait to buy my ticket.

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON – Regardless of the title, it looks total BAD ASS! I will get into a fistfight defending Michael Bay. I think he’s awesome and there’s NOTHING that will change my mind about him. There’s a reason it’s called “BAYHEM”! I own EVERY movie he’s ever made, and have seen all of them multiple times. I’ll probably catch a lot of flack for stating all of this, but the dude is the best. You know exactly what you’re going to get, and he never lets me down (I thought I was let down with THE ISLAND, but upon further viewings it got better and better.) I know I said TF2 BLEW, but there was a writer strike going on and the script wasn’t where it should have been. They had a release date and had to make it. Even Mr. Bay apologizes for that. So, in case you’re unaware, I’M A HUGE MICHAEL BAY FAN!

SUPER 8 – JJ ABRAMS IS ONE OF US! He’s a geek, and proud of it, and the dude knows EXACTLY WHAT HE’S DOING! From ALIAS to LOST, MI:3 to STAR TREK, the dude is a creative genius. SUPER 8 was the teaser we saw and at the end of it had no idea what it was about. Well, after seeing the Super Bowl spot, I still don’t know what the hell it’s about and I CAN’T WAIT to see it. I’ve said it before that “JJ Abrams is our generations Steven Spielberg”, and being that Spielberg is producing, I have a feeling this is one of those films that will go down in our minds as a film that gave us the feeling we had when we first saw CLOSE ENCOUNTERS or E.T.. June can’t get here soon enough!

Let me know what you guys think, but try to be kind, I’m really sensitive when discussing Bay and Abrams.


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